HiDPI support

Legacy Launcher supports HiDPI mode. You'll need:

  • Legacy Launcher 1.123.0 or newer
  • Windows, macOS with Java 11 or newer
  • Linux with Java 11.0.12+ or 17+
Windows и macOS

Windows 10, Java 11.0.11, uiScale=2

UI scale works out of the box if you use Java 11 or newer.

Install latest Legacy Launcher (jar) and Java 11 (or newer).


Linux, Java 17-ea, GNOME 40, uiScale=3

Launcher is tested in GNOME 40 with GTKLookAndFeel on JDK 17 (Early Access) (11.0.12+ should work too)

Launcher may crash if you use e.g. 11.0.11.

If your JRE isn't picking up GNOME L&F settings and/or doesn't scale up the UI, then do the following:

1. Create arguments file (set variable TL_UI_SCALE to a number, e.g. 1.25 or 2)

$ [ -z "$TL_UI_SCALE" ] && echo "Don't just copy-paste. Please actually set TL_UI_SCALE" >&2 || cat <<EOF > tl.bootargs

2. And start the launcher

$ java -cp LegacyLauncher.jar Debug
$ # or just:
$ java -jar LegacyLauncher.jar