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en:deprecation:launch4j [2023/06/15 23:05]
en:deprecation:launch4j [2023/06/15 23:06] (current)
turikhay [What do I do?]
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 1. **[[https://​llaun.ch/​latest|Switch to JAR version]]**. It is functionally identical to the EXE version you're using right now. 1. **[[https://​llaun.ch/​latest|Switch to JAR version]]**. It is functionally identical to the EXE version you're using right now.
-2. **[[https://​llaun.ch/​latest/​exe|Switch to Windows version]]**. With this version you don't need to worry about keeping your Java up-to-date. It is less error-prone and more likely to gain trust of popular antivirus software.+2. **[[https://​llaun.ch/​latest/​exe|Reinstall the launcher using the installer]]**.